Sift - определение. Что такое Sift
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Что (кто) такое Sift - определение

SIFT (disambiguation); SIFT

  • An ''[[ami shakushi]]'', a Japanese ladle or scoop that may be used to remove small drops of batter during the frying of ''[[tempura]]''
  • A wooden mesh in which the withes were one eighth of an inch wide and set the same distance apart.  This would be used on an English farm of the Victorian era to sift grain, removing dust and soil.
(sifts, sifting, sifted)
If you sift a powder such as flour or sand, you put it through a sieve in order to remove large pieces or lumps.
Sift the flour and baking powder into a medium-sized mixing bowl.
= sieve
If you sift through something such as evidence, you examine it thoroughly.
Police officers have continued to sift through the wreckage following yesterday's bomb attack...
Brook has sifted the evidence and summarises it clearly.
VERB: V through n, V n
  • An ''[[ami shakushi]]'', a Japanese ladle or scoop that may be used to remove small drops of batter during the frying of ''[[tempura]]''
  • A wooden mesh in which the withes were one eighth of an inch wide and set the same distance apart.  This would be used on an English farm of the Victorian era to sift grain, removing dust and soil.
Software Implemeted Fault Tolerance (Reference: HIFT)
  • An ''[[ami shakushi]]'', a Japanese ladle or scoop that may be used to remove small drops of batter during the frying of ''[[tempura]]''
  • A wooden mesh in which the withes were one eighth of an inch wide and set the same distance apart.  This would be used on an English farm of the Victorian era to sift grain, removing dust and soil.
v. a.
Separate, part.
Scrutinize, probe, fathom, sound, try, analyze, investigate, canvass, discuss, examine critically, look into, follow up, inquire into.


Sift (disambiguation)

Sift refers to the straining action of a sifter or sieve.

Sift or SIFT may also refer to:

  • Scale-invariant feature transform, an algorithm in computer vision to detect and describe local features in images
  • Selected-ion flow tube, a technique used for mass spectrometry
  • Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade, a public university in Shanghai, China
  • Summary of Information on Film and Television, a database of the British Film Institute National Library
  • Summer Institute for Future Teachers, a residential summer program at Eastern Connecticut State University
  • SIFT (software), a digital forensics appliance
Примеры произношения для Sift
1. We sift system.
Sponsors For Educational Opportunity _ Andrew Fairbairn _ Talks at Google
2. and you sift.
Google Your Family Tree _ Dan Lynch _ Talks at Google
3. then sift through the data,
4. How do they sift through them?
Simple Rules - How to Thrive in a Complex World _ Donald Sull _ Talks at Google
5. or sift through traces of time
Примеры употребления для Sift
1. They will sift through the wreckage forensically.
2. Rescue workers were continuing to sift through debris.
3. But sift through this year‘s quadrennial US defence review and you get a steer.
4. Businesses say they already patrol job applications to sift out counterfeit documents.
5. Construction workers, helped by the Fire Department, have another, wrenching task as they sift through debris.